Advertising with Girly Girl Giveaways
When your company sends item(s) to one or more of the reviewers at Girly Girl Giveaways you will receive the following based on the total retail value of the item(s) sent at one time (does not include items offered for giveaways).
Items valuing over $50.00 will earn free ad space.
Item(s) valuing: $.01 - $50.00
No ad button
Item(s) valuing: $51.00 - $125.00
FREE 14-day ad button
Item(s) valuing: $126.00 - $200.00
FREE 30-day ad button
Item(s) valuing: $201.00+
FREE 45-day ad button
(no review items sent)
$25 – You will receive 100-200 word review, 3 images and 3 weblinks
$30 – You will receive min. 250 word review, 3 images and 4 weblinks
Email Monica at for billing and to set your paid post date and specifics.
More Information
Thank you for choosing Girly Girl Giveaways for writing your feature. Girly Girl Giveaways is comprised of honest, hard-working mothers and women who want to put the spotlight on your business and help build your website traffic and boost searchability. Please read the following and email Monica at if you have any questions.
Herein “Company”or “You” refers to the business that is sending the item(s) for review or paying for a paid post. “We”, “GGG” or “Reviewers” are synonymous for the ladies at Girly Girl Giveaways who will be reviewing and writing the company’s feature.
Based on the retail value of the item(s) sent to review you can earn free advertising space on the blog Girly Girl Giveaways. If you wish to send more than one item or send product to all the reviewers your final value will be the total of those items at that specific time. You cannot add the value of products sent if they are sent separately for more than one feature (such as a feature in February and later a feature in July).
The company must provide the ad button, sized 125X125. If you do not have an advertisement button an ad button will not be placed on the blog no matter the retail value of product(s) sent to review. We do not create advertisements for companies.
Ad space will be limited. There will only be 8 spaces available on the blog on a first come, first serve basis to keep the advertisements uncluttered. If the ad spaces are filled at the time of your feature your ad will be put in a queue. When an old ad expires your ad will take its place. It is always best for your advertisement to post after your feature so that the feature and ad do not run simultaneously, thus increasing how many people see your name on the blog.
If you have a specific date in mind for your ad please let us know and we will try to work with you as much as we can to accommodate you provided others are not expecting their ad space before you.
You will not be notified when your ad is activated or expires unless you request notification.
At Girly Girl Giveaways we love to provide images of our companies’ products. We strive to provide at least one image of ourselves using the product(s) in our own home when relevant. If photos on your website are protected you must email your reviewer a selection of images to choose from or no images will be put up on the blog. These images can include banners or company logos. You are free to be specific about which images you want on the blog within the parameters set above.
We recommend that at least one image be of something not being reviewed so our readers know about a variety of products your company offers.
You will receive a maximum number of weblinks within your feature. We may not use all that are available depending on the relevancy (such as Etsy shops having a more limited amount of pages).
The weblinks help boost your company on major search engine websites. The weblinks we use are typically linked to the main page of your website. However some key words may be linked to specific product pages. It is at your discretion to choose which weblinks you want. If nothing is specified we will default to using your main website or any keywords we may end up using in the feature.
At least one weblink, if providing a giveaway for readers, must link to your main page.
Our reviews have a minimum word count; the lowest being 200 words and the highest being 400 words. We want you to feel confident that you will get a minimum word count and we most always exceed that count.
At Girly Girl Giveaways we want to ensure you that we put all of ourselves into our posts and reviews. We may copy a quote here and there from your website but the overall feature will be in our own words and from our own points of view.
If we have a problem with a product being reviewed and don’t feel we can provide a fair feedback for your company we will contact you to let you know the feature has canceled. Due to health and safety regulations we will not be able to return product(s) sent for the purposes of reviewing in this event. Please be assured that this hasn’t happened as of yet.
Please note that your reviewer or poster on the blog will be the person who you first contacted or who first contacted you. Whoever you are communicating with and sending product to is the person who will be writing your review.